
Admissions Process

Students are accepted on the basis of available space, their character, and scholastic record; without regard to race, color, national or ethnic origin; and a genuine desire on the part of the parents to have their child in a Christian school. Only those children whom we feel will adjust to our particular program, and whose parents agree to cooperate fully with the teachers and administration, will be admitted.


At Park Meadows, the academy is an extension and ministry of the church, intended to serve the church and meet the needs of families in attendance. We accept first, the children of church members, then those that attend regularly, and lastly those that visit occasionally, if space allows.  In addition, the academy reserves the right to dismiss any student that is a member, or visitor at Park Meadows Church, if the child fails to cooperate and/or adjust to our program.

Three easy steps

Step One:
Call to schedule a meeting with the administrator. This meeting will consist of the philosophy of Park Meadows and the reasons this is God’s School. This interview gives both of us an opportunity to get to know about each other and the goals of your family. This step usually takes about an hour. After this meeting is over, we ask the family to pray for GOD’S DIRECTION in continuing the process.

Step Two:
This meeting will consist of the philosophy of “tuition” that PMA offers. This step gives us an opportunity to share our heart of the meaning of how PMA is supported. After this meeting is over, we ask the family to pray for GOD’S DIRECTION in continuing the process.

Step Three:
The family will contact the administrator if they are lead by the Lord to be part of PMA. Then they will receive the application process.